
Anseo, sa Roinn Gaeilge, molaimid meon dearfach i bhfoghlaim na Gaeilge. Aithnímid gur teanga bheo í an Ghaeilge agus tacaímid lenár ndaltaí an Ghaeilge atá acu a aithint, a úsáid agus a fhorbairt. Mar a deir an seanfhocal: “Is fearr Gaeilge bhriste ná Béarla cliste”.
Sa seomra ranga, déanaimid cleachtadh ar na scileanna cumarsáide – ag éisteacht, ag léamh, ag scríobh, ag caint agus ag comhrá. Cuirimid béim ar an bhfoghlaim ghníomhach agus chruthaitheach, le neart tascanna agus cluichí teanga a thugann deis do na daltaí an fhoghlaim a chleachtadh agus a thaispeáint i mbealach réalaíoch.
Déanaimid iarracht an fhoghlaim chomhtháite a éascú sa seomra ranga ionas go bhfeiceann na daltaí an ról atá ag gach cuid den fhoghlaim teanga sa chumarsáid. Sa chaoi seo, déantar forbairt ar fheasacht teanga na ndaltaí. Chomh maith leis sin, nasctar gnéithe den chultúr Gaelach leis an bhfoghlaim chun feasacht chultúrtha na ndaltaí a threisiú. Mar shampla, foghlaimíonn na daltaí faoin nGaeltacht, faoi na Canúintí agus conas damhsa céilí a dhéanamh.
Thar thréimhse 3-6 bliana, tá súil againn go gcuirfidh sibh uilig go mór leis an mbunús teanga atá agaibh ón mbunscoil agus go mbainfidh sibh sárthaitneamh agus tairbhe as an turas teanga linn i gColáiste Dún an Rí !
Here, in the Irish Department, we encourage a positive attitude to learning Irish. We recognise Irish as a living language and we support our students to recognise, use, and develop their Irish. As the saying goes: “Broken Irish is better than Clever English”.
In the classroom, we practice the skills of communication – listening, reading, writing, speaking and conversing. We emphasize active and creative learning, with plenty of tasks and language games which give students an opportunity to practice and display their learning in a realistic way.
We try to facilitate integrated learning in the classroom through which students see the role of each language component in communication. In this way, the language awareness of students is developed. Furthermore, aspects of the Irish culture are linked to the learning in order to strengthen the cultural awareness of the students. For example, the students learn about the Gaeltacht, about Dialects, and how to céilí dance.
Over the course of 3-6 years, we hope that you will all significantly add to the language foundation which you have built in primary school and that you will thoroughly enjoy and benefit from this language learning journey with us in Coláiste Dún an Rí!

Junior Cycle/ An tSraith Shóisearach:
3 bliana (3 years)
Building on the foundation of Irish developed in primary school
3 Strands: Communicative Competence, Language & Cultural Awareness, Learner Self-Awareness
Developing the 8 Key Skills of Junior Cycle
Opportunities for Task-based learning
Central role of Literature – poems, songs, short stories, short films, dramas, and a novel (incl. 8-9 texts studied in 2nd/3rd Year)
Reflecting on learning and re-drafting work
3rd Year Assessments:
CBA1: Punann Teanga (Language Portfolio) – receive a descriptor on JCPA
CBA2: Tasc Cumarsáide (Communicative Task – e.g. Presentation, Role-play, Conversation, etc.) – receive a descriptor on JCPA
Assessment Task: Worth 10% - undertaken in school following CBA2 - set and marked by the SEC
Final Exam: Worth 90% - written paper (incl. aural and reading comprehension components) - set and marked by the SEC – Higher/ Ordinary Level
Senior Cycle/ An tSraith Shinsearach:
Transition Year/ An Idirbhliain:
Bliain amháin (1 year)
An opportunity to bridge the gap between Junior Cycle & Leaving Certificate Irish.
Explore a different experience of learning Irish
Continue developing communication skills – reading, writing, listening and speaking/conversing
Task-based Learning & Assessment – E.g. Project-work, Group-work, Posters, Presentations, Research, Debates, Workshops, Oral Exam for ‘Fáinne’, etc.
Further develop life-skills – such as working with others, using digital technologies, public speaking, etc.
TY Assessments:
Continuous Assessments – Task-based, Written Exams, Oral Exam, etc.
Credits – for Participation, Engagement, and Continuous Assessment
Term Exams & Reports – Christmas & Summer Exams with School Reports
Leaving Certificate/ An Ardteistiméireacht:
2 bhliain (2 years)
Provide a Positive Experience of Learning Irish
Build on the foundation of Junior Cycle (and in cases TY).
Continue strengthening communicative competence – skills of reading, listening, writing, speaking/conversing.
Continue developing linguistic and cultural awareness
Continue to foster learner self-awareness and encourage more independent learning.
Final Assessment:
Oral Exam – Worth 40%
Written Exam – Worth 60% - Higher & Ordinary Level – 2 Papers – incl. Aural, Reading Comprehension, Written Composition and Literature Components
Written Exam – Worth 60% - Foundation Level – 1 Paper – incl. Written Composition, Aural and Reading Comprehension.

Anseo, i gColáiste Dún an Rí, is ócáid mhór (big occasion) í ‘Seachtain na Gaeilge’ a thugann deis dúinn (which gives us an opportunity) an Ghaeilge atá againn sa phobal seo a thaispeáint agus a cheiliúradh (to show-case and celebrate the Irish we have in this community). Is iomaí imeacht agus comórtas a eagraítear anseo (there are many activities and competitions organised) le linn na seachtaine.
Mar shampla:
Cainteoir na Seachtaine (Speaker of the Week)
Damhsa Céilí (Céilí Dancing)
Tráth na gCeist (Quizzes)
Ciorcal Comhrá (Conversation Circles)
Damhsa Céilí (Céilí Dancing)
Rince na nDealbh (Musical Statues)
Biongó (Bingo)
‘Guess an tAmhrán’ (Guess the Song)
Gearrscannán (Short film)
Laoch na litriú (Spelling Bee)

Does Irish offer Opportunities in the Working World?
Yes! Irish is of great benefit in careers such as:
Teaching (incl. opportunities to teach abroad!)
Translation Services
Civil Service
Media & Communications
What kind of Activities might a Lesson include?
Cluichí Teanga (Language Games)
Ciorcal Comhrá (Conversation Circle)
Obair Ghrúpa (Group-work)
Ag Díospóireacht (Debating)
Plé (Discussion)
Ag Tarraingt (Drawing)
Cur i Láthair (Presentations)
Drámaíocht (Drama)
Díospóireacht Siúil (Walking Debate)
Ag Féachaint ar Fhíseáin (Watching Videos)
Will My Learning in Irish link in with Any Other Subjects?
Yes! The understanding and skills which you develop in the Irish classroom will link in with subjects such as English, Maths, Geography, History, Art, Modern Foreign Languages, Computers/ IT, PE, Music, SPHE and CSPE.
How can I improve my Irish?
There are lots of ways by which you can improve your Irish. Here are our top ten ways to improving your Irish:
Practice speaking at home/ with your friends
Listen to Irish TV/ Radio/ Songs
Use a dictionary
Test yourself on keywords/spellings
Read over your work at least once
Make your own revision notes
Practice asking and answering simple questions
Revise regularly keywords, phrases and verbs
Ask questions in class
Use feedback on your work to re-draft and improve
Useful Irish Websites/ Resources: